Hi all,
It’s time for me to build my LH 747-8 but when I bought this beauty, she came with the prior livery. I know its a longshot, but would anyone have an spare new livery LH decal sheet to sell me or trade? My second wish should be much easier, Kit decals for the Emirates A380-800. I’d even take a partial sheet with all the Emirates bits and without the details.
Here’s what i have to offer. 1/144 scale Revell
Full sheet 747-8 Lufthansa previous livery
Full sheet A380 Original House Colours
Partial sheet A380 First Flight House Colours ( All livery elements present, some details used)
Full sheet Airbus A340-300 Austrian Wiener Philharmonic/SAS
I also have a couple of Revell A320s kits, One RV4272 Edelweiss and one RV4267 Lufthansa. Both with inner bags unopened. I would trade one a320 full kit for one complete decal sheet.
Shipping to Ontario Canada
Thanks for looking
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