Occupation: Contemplating the cosmos and building models
Hi Ray,
I doubt this would be of interest however there’s one for sale on the U.K. eBay site for the princely sum of £130 / @ $160 with free postage, but for the U.K. only.
I’m sure this is a very rare item however so I thought I’d send the link below just in case you just won the lottery. 😊
You might try contacting Colpar Hobbies in Denver. I picked up one of these kits a couple years ago there for $29.99. They had several bagged ones in a Clearance bin at the time (not sure if the kit was ever released in a proper box or not?) Might be a long-shot, but worth a phone call anyway…
"Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue!"
Ray, Did you ever find the EC-135N you were looking for? If not let me know and I can make you an almost unbeatable deal. Contact me @ apollodcal@gmail.com
Ray, years ago I purchased a couple of bagged kits for something like $20. The two kits had one set of decals, instructions and so forth. Here we are today and I know these are kits I will never build, as much as I like the ARIA aircraft. So my asking would be $20 for both bagged kits plus postage costs.